In an ever-tightening labour market, professional development has never been more important for staff retention. Judy Davison, Asset Recruitment’s Permanent and Executive Recruitment Specialist, explains why now’s the time to retrain to retain. From professional certification
Asset Recruitment Blog
Retrain to retain: the importance of professional development for staff retention
Posted by : Cara Armstrong November 2, 2022 11:17 am
Taking the stress out of recruitment
Posted by : Judith Bright February 28, 2019 2:24 pm
Dredging through the CV’s and Cover Letters of potential new employees can be costly and time consuming. Two of the biggest issues companies generally face with the hiring process of new employees are budget and time. It can also be very stressful. Particularly
Retaining top talent
Posted by : Carmel Strange February 12, 2019 1:48 pm
Waikato is enjoying good economic growth and unemployment is low. What does that mean for the recruitment scene? Is the retention of top talent as-simple-as a salary increase in today’s job-seekers market? Carmel Strange, Asset Recruitment’s Manager and Temporary Recruitment Specialist,